A little over a year ago we lost a vital member of our community. Bruce Andrews was a husband, coach, teacher and small businessman. Bruce was also a lover of music. He and his wife Sue hosted scores of house concerts over the years in their home in Schuyler Lake, and at the annual Flyfest event at Cornfield Hall. Bruce was also a very generous friend of the Cooperstown Concert Series, often helping financially with supporting many performers on our stage.
Bruce was a huge fan of the duo Burns & Kristy, often hosting them at house concerts and supporting the pair in other local venues as well. Please join us as we remember our dear friend and supporter Bruce, and enjoy the music he loved.
All profits from this concert will be donated to charity.
The concert will begin at 7pm, and there will be a pre-show gathering at 6:15pm with music by local group Fast Friends. Please come early to share stories in remembrance of Bruce. Light refreshments will be available for purchase during the intermission.
Cooperstown Concert Series presents
With Special Pre-Show Gathering at 6:15pm
6:15pm at Fly Creek United Methodist Church, 852 Co Rd 26, Fly Creek, NY
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Indie Folky Pop with a Spiritual, Whimsical Attitude
Terry Burns and Ron Kristy met after many years as independent musicians and singer/songwriters in Nashville, TN, and married in 2004. Often performing as a guitar and vocal duo, for this special show Rich DePaolo will join them. The music is fresh, contemporary, moving, melodic and fun.
Their highly acclaimed album “Caravan” earned this praise…
“One of the most entrancingly beautiful and timeless set of songs to grace a debut album in many years!”
– Simon Beards, Maverick Magazine, UK 5 Star review!
Watch the Video
Visit the band’s website
Listen on Spotify

BUY TICKETS – Adult $20
Student (with College ID) $10
Youth $10 (ages 6 to 18)
Children ages 5 and under are free.
Tickets are available online and may be available at the door the evening of the show.

2023-24 Season Programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and by the Scriven Foundation.